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Compare health insurances

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For 17 years ZorgKiezer has been the largest independent website where people can compare all health insurances in the Netherlands. Our comparator makes it possible to compare health insurances based on premium, coverage, conditions, service and discount. 

Do you want to compare?

Compare today and apply for a Dutch Health Insurance

The website always shows the cheapest insurance based on your preferences. This distinguishes ZorgKiezer from its other websites. On a yearly basis, over 1.000.000 people compare health insurances on ZorgKiezer.nl. 

How to find the best insurance for you?

 In our comparator, you can fill out your preferences. Most care, like medication, the GP and hospital care and stay. is already covered by the basic health insurance. Dental care or physiotherapy is covered by an additional insurance.

Having issues with determining your preferences? Think about what care you need and how often you made use of it in the past. Many people are over-insured which means that their insurances covers more than they need and therefore they pay a too high premium. 

Need help with finding the best insurance for you? Call us via 020-2611600.

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Use the 'Compare Health Insurances' button underneath and start your comparison. Deadline = 31 December 2023.

Lees meer over: Zorgverzekeringen

Find the best health insurance

Waarom overstappen in 2025 via ZorgKiezer.nl?

  • 100% Onafhankelijk
    Vergelijk zorgverzekering op prijs en inhoud alle 57 verzekeringen
  • Altijd de laagste prijs
    Premies lager dan bij verzekeraar zelf, of gelijk.
  • Overstapgarantie
    Wij zorgen dat je oude verzekering wordt opgezegd
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